At work I use SVN for source control, but I've been itching to try out Git. I also recently stumbled across Project Euler, a series of math problems intended to be solved by writing small programs. I think you see where this is going. So - as of a few minutes ago - my Project Euler solutions (such as they are) are up on my github account.
I am a complete Git newb, so I followed some instructions on setting up Git and a new github repository. Since I can see all the code on github, I guess it's working.
My Project Euler solutions have been very fun so far. You're allowed to implement your solution in whatever language you want. I chose Ruby because it is the most expressive language I've found.
My solutions involving factoring primes have been a mixed bag. I think I did ok finding the largest prime factor of 600851475143 (problem 3), but my solution to problem 10 (sum all the primes below two million) was an ugly brute force. I really should have known a better algorithm (I won't say it by name here, but it was referenced in one of the Dark Tower books).
Some of the problems have been quite easy, but I'm only up to problem 17. I've peeked ahead and it looks like they get pretty tough. Sometimes it feels like using Ruby is cheating - for instance, problem 16 is "sum all the digits of 2^1000". Pity the poor C++ programmer!
The tricks I have up my sleeve are mainly inject, memoization and recursion. Recursion is especially helpful in simplifying problems. Memoization can be invaluable when you're performing expensive math. Inject is just plain fun - who wants to write all that boring loop code?
One reason that people might shy away from Ruby in Project Euler is the perceived performance benefit of more low-level languages. That is a complete red herring. When I was writing assembly language in high school, I read Michael Abrash's "Graphics Programming Black Book". One thing I learned was that extremely optimized assembly language will only net you a 2x to 10x improvement over compiled code. "Isn't that a lot?" you say? No - it is nothing compared to the gains you can usually get from improving your algorithms - often orders of magnitude. Using an expressive high-level language like Ruby allows you to concentrate on the high-level algorithms. I was especially proud of my solution to problem 15. I first broke the problem down with recursion. When that ran for more than a minute I realized I was solving the same problem more than once so I memoized it. Now it runs in less than a second even on my super-slow EeePC. Of course, there are much more elegant solutions out there - my solution that I was so proud of was far from the best. It just goes to show how far a good algorithm can take you.
This turned out to be a rambling post - sorry about that. In conclusion, Git and github are great, Project Euler is fun and algorithms matter. Good night!
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